Heliocare provides maximum protection against UVA, UVB, visible light, infrared-A, free radicals and DNA damage
It’s revolutionary, multi-action formulations provide SPF50+ broad-spectrum protection, which shields the skins surface from UVA, UVB and visible light damage. At the same time, it also defends the skin from within with its hero ingredient, the powerful anti-oxidant Fernblock FC.
Fernblock FC makes Heliocare 360 ̊ unique. It’s a supercharged, fern-derived anti-oxidant that fights and neutralises harmful free radicals in your skin, defending your key skin cells and structural proteins, collagen and elastin. It’s the result of years of research and is exclusive to Heliocare 360 ̊ products.
Fernblock FC’s anti-oxidant activity is boosted with additional anti-oxidants Vitamins C and E, along with Pro-Taurine
OTZ 10, which is specifically designed to provide protection against infrared-A induced free radicals. The distinctive addition of DNA repair enzymes also minimise and repair DNA damage within skin cells.
There’s a Heliocare 360 ̊ for every skin type. With a range of nourishing and elegant formulations, each one will leave your skin feeling beautiful today, and give you the ultimate daily defence you need for tomorrow; keeping your skin radiant and healthy